Saturday, February 5, 2011

Seriously... I'm EXHAUSTED!

So I've been moving stuff, lifting stuff, cleaning stuff ALL.DAY.LONG. And boy... am I TIRED! I forgot to put my arm band thingy on so I have no idea how many calories I burned. But I'm thinking it was a lot. Not only am I super tired, but my lower back kinda hurts too.

But do you want to see my fabric shelf? That was the first thing I moved. And I love it.

This is a waaaaaaaaay bigger project that I thought it would be. I also realized that I'm going to have to get rid of a TON of stuff.... and now I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do that. Part of me wants to just dump everything but the essentials (and kinda just start over) but it kills me to get rid of so much stuff (I'm kind of a pack rat... okay, so I'm totally a pack rat). 

Anyway, I have some time to continue working tomorrow, but then we're meeting up with some people for dinner. Which of course means that I'll be sportin' some sort of bloat before the weigh in. But what can you do. This dinner has been planned for a couple of weeks and it's something that I'm really looking forward to, so I guess I'll take the hit on the weigh in. 

Okay, my eyes are burning because I'm so tired. I gotta hit the hay. See you tomorrow.

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