Sunday, April 17, 2011

Accomplishments Anyone?

Okay you guys - time to share what you're most proud of this past week! Me? Well, I'm hoping my most proud moment will be my session with my trainer and my hour on the treadmill watching a kdrama! I've been super excited getting mentally prepared and I'm hoping it won't make me pass out afterwards (or  render my arms useless where I can't drive home). So wish me luck, I could use it!

Sorry this post is so short, but last night we had a doosey of a night with our son. He had a super rough night (which resulted in me being awake from 1-4am) so I feel a bit out of sorts right now. So off to bed I go - as I gotta get my game face on at 10am. Get ready body, I'm about to show you who's boss!

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