Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moving On

So I GAINED .8 lbs this week. And honestly - I'm STOKED about it. I knew I would gain this week and taking in less than a pound for the damage I did on vacation? I'll happily accept it. It kinda reminded me of the Biggest Loser episode where Jen and Courtney had to go stay by themselves away from the ranch and they splurged and got massages and ate out - only to find that they lost nothing and Jen went home. Tough lesson to learn. And for me - I realized that there is a REASON why I'm still on a program. I have no restraint and I'm not ready to be 'let back into the wild' just yet.

I love the feeling of a new week. I love knowing that my points have re-loaded and I can start my figuring again. The past few days have just made me want to get as far away from the vacation as I could. I just wanted to start over. And now I can.

I've been really slacking on the exercise department. Like ... I haven't done any. So that's something else I need to get going on. I think I'm going to take this weekend and just start planning out my week. I don't have any orders to do (well, I do, but they aren't paying customers... more like gifts, etc) so I should have more time. The daughter's birthday is on Wednesday, and I do have some brief planning to do for that as well. So hopefully I'll be able to get everything organized for the week. 

You know, it feels good to start over. Even though it's just starting another week. In fact, it makes me think of a quote by my good friend Anne Shirley:

"Tomorrow is a new day ... with no mistakes in it"

so here's to a great tomorrow!

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