Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have to admit - I LOVE it when Dokko Jin calls the nephew that. Seriously. LOVE.IT.  But I have another confession to make. I can't just watch one episode per day. This story line is killing me so like any reasonable insane person, I went ahead and watched a TON more today. (don't worry - the husband was home so the children were not neglected... and before he got home I used all of nap time to watch as well - HA!)

So I just finished Episode 11 and I was BAWLING MY EYES OUT. Like I pretty much was ugly crying. The husband had to get me tissue and I could barely talk and he mumbled something about '... you really gotta stop watching these things... yada yada yada ...' and instead I just kept crying harder. But I cry easily. Like... has anyone else shed a tear yet? 

I'm telling you - if you were watching me watching this, you'd think I was a lunatic. One minute I'm laughing out loud, the next I'm freaking out, and then I end up sobbing uncontrollably. What IS IT about these kdramas that just mess with my emotions?!?!??!

So here's the dealio - you guys should be on Episode 5 right now. There's something really random and funny in Episode 6, so I'll wait to talk about that tomorrow. I'll probably finish the series by the end of the day and then I'll go back and watch the episodes 'on schedule' with you all. I just can't wait - I gotta find out how this ends ... and just so you know ... I think there's going to be some CRAZY interesting stuff. I mean, they have to mess with us some how, right?!

So what's your favorite stuff from Episode 5 - SPILL!!!

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