Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Did You Know?

For realsies ... how did you guys know it was HAND, FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE?!?!?! I actually saw my nurse practitioner (I actually love her by the way) and she ruled out Strep just to be sure (but she said she didn't think I had that) and told me I was 'text book' Hand, Foot & Mouth disease. 

The only thing that could have horrified me more, would have been if those blister thingys would have sprung up all around my mouth. I think I would have completely freaked out.

I told her that I was the ONLY adult I've ever known who has gotten this. She said she see's it all the time. But I'm not entirely sure if I believe her ... maybe she was just trying to make me feel better. 

So for those of you who were wondering my exact symptoms, here's the progression:

1) BAD headache
2) fever
3) flu like symptoms, but you're not exactly sure
4) a couple of days later you break out in the small blisters 
5) feels like 'pins & needles'

I guess once you get the blisters, the virus is working it's way out. And yes, there's nothing you can take but tylenol & advil. 

Now, my daughter had the same symptoms a day ahead of me, but she never had any blisters - which the nurse practitioner said that is very common. So maybe she had it? Maybe my son did earlier in the week but he didn't get the blisters either ... and there's also a 2 week incubation period ... so I'm hoping that everyone stays clear of it the next couple of weeks ... because I do NOT wish this on anyone. 

Anyway - I'm impressed with all your diagnosis skills. Never once did Hand, Foot & Mouth disease cross my mind ... some unrecognizable nerve & skin disorder did .... but not the former. Go figure. 

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