Saturday, November 13, 2010

You gotta start somewhere

Let's start at the beginning. 

I used to be thin. Or average. Okay, so I just wasn't fat. I was normal. And normal was good. So good, that I never had to think about it. Exercise was something that happened by default. Like if I did a sport and had to go to practice. So that basically took me through Junior High. I played basketball during my Freshman year of High School - but if we're being real, how much exercise does frosh girls b-ball actually entail? So I guess you could say that I never learned the skill of regularly exercising. 

College came and went. And each year I would gain the 'freshman 15' and lose it when I went home for the summer. Oh - and it was during college that I learned the true meaning of having a 'Big Mac Attack'. After college I tried doing Atkins. All I can remember from that time in my life was eating hot dogs and green beans. I don't even know if that's a part of the Atkins diet, but that's what I ate. And I got thin! I wish I had some pictures from back then. I remember there was an outfit that I wore on a date that I felt super cute in. It was a short mini-jean skirt and a charcoal grey t-shirt (but a nice t-shirt) and black penny loafers.  I know, even as I wrote it out it didn't sound cute, but in my mind, I was sooo cute. 

And then I got introduced to alcohol. And it became my friend. Too good of a friend, and that was the beginning of my demise. I loved dancing and when you mix that with alcohol, you kinda think that you're the lead dancer in a music video. (but now I know the folly in that) But when you stop dancing, continue with the drinking and add on mountains of greasy food to sop up all the alcohol running through your veins, you've got the perfect recipe for weight gain. And lots of it. 

My weight gain seemed to sneak up on me. It was gradual. Yes, clothes became too tight, so I would buy a piece here, and a piece there that will help me get through the work week as I could recycle them in the wardrobe at least a few times. And I would always think 'oh man, this is the biggest I've ever been' as I'd try and force myself into my current pair of pants. At some point alcohol and I broke up. We parted ways but my buddy 'fast food' still hung around. I wasn't much of a cook and it was so quick and easy to go by a drive through and pick up dinner and eat it while watching TV.  It became my norm.

And then I met the love of my life. The man who is now my husband, and the man who loved me even though I was fat. He never knew what I looked like before, but he loved who I was at the moment. And he still does. He is the most amazing and supportive guy ever. All he wants for me is to be happy and healthy. So if even if I start a diet for the millionth time, he'll still be like, 'Great! You can do it!' And he thinks I'm beautiful. Just as I am. 

But I don't. I actually feel really uncomfortable in my own skin. Well, I actually feel really uncomfortable with all the fat underneath my skin. It's tiring, I lack energy, and I know life could be so much different. There are so many things that I don't want to do because I'm self conscious of how I look. There are so many things that I don't enjoy doing because I'm over weight. And honestly, I'm really sensitive about it too. 

I think that might be surprising to some of my friends. I think my personality tends to lend itself to people thinking that I can be pretty care-free with everything in my life. Or at least joke it off, or not take it too seriously. But the truth is, it's really hard for me. 

I just got back about a month ago from adopting my son Internationally. One of my girlfriends is a professional photographer and she came to the airport to capture the moment of when I arrived. A week or so later, she emailed me the photos. I looked through each of them slowly and they made me cry. Not because they were so touching that I was actually back on US soil with the newest member of my family, but because I was absolutely mortified at how huge I was. And now I was staring right at this mirror image of what I had allowed myself to become. I was devastated.

But life at home was busy. Transitioning my son into our family, and transitioning my daughter to the new addition of a brother left me no time to wallow in my self pity. Instead, I was trying to get a routine started, and a sleeping schedule implemented and moments throughout the day to focus solely on attachment and bonding. 

And that brought me to last night. One of my girlfriends spearheaded a 'Girls Night Out'. We were supposed to dress in what ever made us feel 'Fun & Fabulous' and she had a whole list of things we needed to accomplish throughout the night while cruising around in a limo. And while I did have a really good time, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the evening should not have been spent with me refusing to karaoke because I didn't want to stand up in front of everyone, or going through the camera and deleting all the photos of me when no-one was looking. 

I want to be able to enjoy those times with my friends, but more importantly, I want to be able to enjoy my time with my kids; my family. So I decided that I needed to do something to hold myself accountable. And that's when I thought of a blog. I figured that I could use it as a journal of sorts since it logs the time and date. I really debated about going 'public' with it, but I figured that if I did go public, it would be way more embarrassing if I didn't follow through, than if I had a private blog that no-one saw but me (even though I realize that I could still be the only one reading this thing). 

So here's the deal: I need a goal. So I decided to make the girls from the kpop videos my goal. Have you seen how great those girls look? And yes, I know it's probably impossible to look like them, but I'm thinking that even if I get 50% of the way there I'll end up looking decent, right? yeah? are you with me? 

My birthday is during the beginning of December. So while the birthday that is just over 2 weeks away is way to soon to accomplish anything, I'm hoping that the birthday that is just over a year away, will be cause for me to celebrate in a super huge way. And to help get me there, I'm going to blog about my progress every day. No joke. Every day I'm making the commitment to 'journal' about my progress. The good, the bad, the accomplishments, and the failures. But I want to do it. I need to do it. And I'm going to do to it. 

So here's to my journey of becoming a kpop star. Or at least trying to look like one. 


  1. I know your battle...It's my battle MY own I'm proud of you for trying another way...Keep trying...don't ever give up. I love you immensely. I knew you then and I know you now. I love YOU. I hope that you find the peace in yourself and that your body reflects the person YOU are. Because you ARE FABULOUS my freind. I'll do this with you. It helps me to have a POINTS total or a CALORIE total on the day and to write EVERYTHIGN you put in your mouth. The journaling helps me so much. I'm right here with you and I'll support you! Love you bunches. k

  2. Rachel, I think I need to join you on this journey, I took a different path to get here...but I am in the same place I will definitely be reading and following along. I think jokes are my way of dealing with it too. Like it doesn't bother me. Butt it does. Sorry last one. If you need encouragement or ideas let me know. I have a coaching minor and ran a marathon...I know what to do, I just have to do it. Good luck! I will be following. Thanks for the motivation. Kristin

  3. I follow your adoption blog, and jumped over here out of curiosity. Kudos to you for taking control of something that is making you unhappy. I had similar feelings last year, and finally got serious about losing weight. Of course, I waited until after I could stuff my face with turkey, cookies, pies, etc. in January after the holidays :)

    I know you didn't ask for advice here, but I strongly suggest you check out if you really want to see your progress and hold yourself accountable on a daily basis. It helped me to stay on track with my goals and lose 21 lbs over about 8 months. It is TOTALLY free, and is very similar to WW, but all online.

    I'm not going to lie - it is a pain in the butt to enter all of your daily food intake into sparkpeople, but it is sooo worth it in the end. Once you enter most of the things you 'usually' eat, it becomes really easy. There are chat boards and such for moral support too.

    It's probably going to be very difficult for you in the beginning. You're starting at a binge eating, alcohol drinking time of year. But you can do it if you really want to!! Just don't be too hard on yourself along the way.

    Good luck!

  4. Ditto R! It's all I can say, there's so many of us that feel the exact same way! "CHEERS" to your success! (contains no alcohol!) lol I'll be watching! 8-) AND Congrats on the start of your journey!

  5. You have touched on a subject that is so personal and hurts so many. I look forward to following your journey. And, you have inspired me to put down my donut this morning and join you in my own journey. Thank you for your open honest approach.

  6. you can do it, rachel!! i will be rooting for you and giving support. :O)

  7. super proud of you, friend!
    and we will go back to korea and YOU'LL be the celebrity!
    i'll be rooting you on from my computer!

  8. Woo-Hoo! I'll be your Texas Cheerleader! You CAN do this! :)

  9. I know YOU CAN DO IT, Rachel!! I'll be here to follow your journey as well as support and cheer you on. You've inspired me to get back into my exercise routine. :) Go Rachel, Go Rachel, Go Rachel...woo hoo!!

  10. Great Rachel....though I think those girls could use a little meat...maybe that's just my personal excuse? I've been trying to figure out how to get my weight back off too. My friends at work hate it when I complain because they don't see that I'm too big, but for me I'm too big and could stand to lose around 15 pounds...10 of which I put on just this summer and the doc says it's my age. Great. How to increase metabolism. I can't eat too much less or I get sick. I'll be following you hoping for good ideas for myself. Good luck girl!

  11. Hey Rach - I'm with you, and I'll join you.

  12. I'll be following and supporting you all the way!!!!! Huge step you've made and I respect your honesty and perspective.
    Since Im headed to a big bday next year I hope to drop a few pounds that arrived over the last few years too;)

  13. Rachel - You are a beautiful person on the inside and the outside, whether you see/feel it or not. I am proud to call you a friend and am blessed to know you. (I just wish we lived closer!!!)

    As far as advice - have you considered investing in a Bodybugg? When I started using one it was a H-U-G-E eye-opener about how much I was actually doing, versus what I THOUGHT I was doing (calorie-burning). It actually told me to EAT MORE because I wasn't consuming enough calories. I dropped 18 pounds in 6 weeks! Heck - anything that tells me I need to eat MORE I'm all for! LOL I HIGHLY recommend the Bodybugg though. :) (If you want to know more about it - just email me!) If you ever watch Biggest Loser it's the same thing the contestants use! Also, as someone else mentioned above, SparkPeople is great! They have a mobile app too!! :)

    Just remember not to be too hard on yourself Rach. We are our own worst critic. Life is too short to pass up fun times and experiences because we're afraid of what someone else MIGHT think. (And trust me girl, no one is thinking about us nearly as much as we think they are! LOL) But I totally hear you on the being uncomfy in your own skin thing. We are so blessed to have amazing hubbies who love us for who we are - not just our bodies. ;)

    Also, Have you considered instead of listing your weight, listing how many pounds lost (total) each week. (Week 1 = 2lbs, Week 2=3.5lbs, Week 6=15lbs, etc.) I found that to be FAR more encouraging listing how much I've LOST and less discouraging than listing my current weight each week. (That's just downright depressing!)

    Good luck on your journey - thanks for your honesty - and email me if you want more info on the Bodybugg!

  14. Rachel,
    Good luck in your journey. Running around with 2 kids seems like workout enough, but if you can incorporate a healthier lifestyle and feel better, then I will keep reading and hopefully learning something too. I will turn 40 next birthday and hope to feel awesome and maybe some pounds lighter. Maybe we can encourage each other to meet our goals.

  15. First of all, you are gorgeous and awesome, even if I only know you over the internet. Second, I love both your blogs (I told you my husband has a blog crush on you, right?). Third, this is definitely the coolest blog title ever!

  16. Rachel,
    Your honesty and candidness is one of the most beautiful things about you..and you have a great smile as well!!! I know how difficult it can be to feel "stuck" but you will come through this and be thankful for the happy and healthy...I am rooting for you.

  17. Rach,
    I'll join you! I've gained a ton this year! And, even though stress is the excuse, I HATE how I look, too. We're going on a cruise next September. I'm going to go, weigh in tonight, and set my goal. You are beautiful, girl! And, I'm going to join you on the journey to being FABULOUS!
