Monday, March 28, 2011

Accomplishments Anyone?

So? How was it? How was your week? What went well? What didn't? What changes are you making this week? What are you accomplishments?! It's time to spill. And I'm just waiting to hear what you all have to say. 

For me, I think my biggest accomplishment was tonight. It was the first time that I really struggled. Today was the last day to finish up my big order and I LITERALLY just got finished about 5 minutes ago. Feeling the pressure of my deadline rapidly approaching, I felt my old habits wanting to make an appearance. Meaning: I wanted to eat. 

I've said it before, but I'm SUCH an emotional eater. And when I'm stressed, sitting in the couch with a bag of carbs calms me down. FOR.REALS. When I'm stressed and I eat, I can literally feel myself calming down and it's 'comforting' to me. I know. So twisted. But somehow I created that kind of relationship with food. And tonight, well, I wanted to re-establish that relationship. But guess what... I didn't want to spend the points. I thought about dipping into my 'extra points' and getting the McDonalds 2 cheeseburger meal (with extra pickles) but I knew that even ONE of those burgers was beyond any insane amount of points.

So instead, I picked out the BIGGEST pita breads in the bag and made my pita pizzas. You know what else I realized when I ate them? Before I even finish swallowing a bite I shove more food in my mouth. So I decided to make an conscious decision to literally finish every bite (including swallowing) before I took another. Granted, I'm a slow eater by nature, but man, did it make me slow down even more! I actually kinda had to force myself to finish.

Anyway, I survived. I ate a ton of 'cuties', but I'm now able to go to bed and not regret that I blew my points on something stupid. 

On top of that, my order is done, boxed up, and tomorrow I get to hit FedEx and ship that baby off. 

Oh - and if you're friends with me on Facebook then you've already seen this photo, but today I had to take product shots to be emailed tomorrow. Today was the FIRST day of sunshine that we've had in over a week so I took over 500 photos and got maybe 3 good ones. Nature of the beast I guess. Anyway, here's a cute shot of my kiddos (if I do say so myself!)

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