Sunday, September 4, 2011

HUGE accomplishment

So I went to my BBQ. And honestly ... I think I did awesome. I had a bun-less hamburger. I did put half a slice of processed cheese on it (as I didn't have any other options and eating just a burger patty is a bit bland for me) but I 'wrapped' it in lettuce. I added a couple of tomato slices and a few pickles. Fabulous. and then I had brought a big salad that was totally Primal. I used olive oil/balsamic vinegar and I passed on the croutons that I brought for everyone else.

I also passed on all the chips but I did have a glass of raspberry lemonade. I passed on the ice cream and had a piece of watermelon. And you know what? It wasn't that hard! I will say that I did feel a bit guilty about the sugar I put in my body ... but one meal isn't going to set me that far back. I'm just going to eat really clean tomorrow, and I'm also going to NOT eat dark chocolate tomorrow either. That's my little mini-goal. I think I'm becoming too dependent on it. It's not a bad thing (in fact, many Primals talk about the 80/20 rule. You shoot for 100%, but if you hit 80% be happy! So my dark chocolate falls into my 20%. But I just want to make sure I'm not pushing that 20%... you know?).

Also - Monday I'm starting my workouts. I'm VERY excited about this. Which again is SUPER strange. I text my trainer today and hopefully he'll get back to me soon about his availability. Here's what I'm planning: the basic Primal workouts consists of doing slow movements, lift heavy things a few times, and sprint. 

That translates to me as:

Monday: walk 1 hour on treadmill (just a very moderate pace)
Tuesday: walk 1 hour, 10-15 minutes of High Intensity Workout
Wednesday: walk 1 hour
Thursday: walk 1 hour, 10-15 minutes of High Intensity Workout
Friday: walk 1 hour, Sprints (30 sec sprint/90 sec rest - 8 sets)
Saturday: walk 1 hour
Sunday: walk 1 hour

If I don't get to walk an hour on any of those days - I'm not going to stress about it. And if I need to, I can switch it up (30 minutes at the gym, 30 minutes after dinner ... or whatever). I also hope to build up my High Intensity Workouts to 20-25 minutes - but not anything longer than that. 

I'll be honest - I'm a bit nervous about taking on my workouts, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that exercise is going to make a huge difference in speeding up my weight-loss. You can only lose so much bloat before you need to move onto the hard core stuff, right? 

So that's the plan. I'm getting mentally prepared, and honestly, I'm excited. I'm looking forward to it. So pray this mind-set continues!

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