Friday, September 23, 2011

what is HAPPENING to me?!?!

So today was my son's birthday. We had a little plan, but things got foiled due to him not feeling super good this morning. I had wanted to take him and the sister to get his 'birthday donut' (since we did that for the sister's birthday) but he just wasn't feeling up to it. Plus, we had a doctor's appointment we had to get to. So I decided on the way home that I'd get him some cupcakes instead of cake (plus it would help with the portion control). We pulled into our awesome Cupcake Shop and I was more than pleased with the selection. So much so, that I ended up buying 8. There were just so many I wanted to try!

I took a tiny little crumb off of my favorites, and they did not disappoint. Later when the husband called to 'check in', I told him about the cupcakes and how excited I was. We had decided to split some of them since I only got one of each flavor. My little taste left me wanting more, so I decided to go ahead and take some pieces of the cupcakes I wanted. I sampled 3 different ones and in total, it probably made up just over one whole cupcake. I took my little paper-towel-filled-with-treasures and sat on the couch so I could thoroughly enjoy them. 

At first it tasted good - super sweet - but good. But very quickly, it made me feel sick. Just a yucky feeling ... like I had eaten an entire sugary cake. And for the first time ever, I put down the cupcakes before I even finished.

Honestly ... I don't know what's happening to me. It's embarrassing to admit, but I could EASILY plow through at least 2 cupcakes in one sitting before I turned Primal. I LOVE dessert, seriously. That was one of my favorite indulgences. But now ... I just wanted to eat something clean. It was the weirdest thing ever. No joke. 

Thankfully, the husband made this for dinner.

the filet was quite big (and a little too rare for me) so I ate very little.
the vegetables were absolutely perfect ... in every way.
But don't worry - that filet will not go to waste. 
We plan on having 'steak and eggs' for breakfast tomorrow. 

and that sounds better than any cupcake. 
(I still can't believe I'm saying this!)

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