Wednesday, September 7, 2011

this whole Exercise thing

So today I realized that one of two things happened to me:

1) I became a Super Hero


2) My body has started burning fat

Here's what happened. I've been searching on MDA (Mark's Daily Apple - the website of all websites) to find out what people suggest doing in regards to eating and working out. It seemed like the majority of people don't eat before they work out. Which honestly - freaks me out. (in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm always afraid that I'm going to be hungry. I think it's because if I'm hungry, I'm going to 'cheat' and I really don't want to do that) MDA also talks about 'Intermittent Fasting' (yet another thing I'm terrified of) and the weight loss benefits of doing so. But not only does 'IF' help with weight loss, 'they say' that you don't get that hungry. 

Let me give you a quick back story: Back a couple of years ago when I did a short stint at a different gym with a different trainer, I ate a small blueberry muffin before I headed off to my 30 minute training session. I nearly passed out. Like I literally had to lay down in the women's locker room with my feet elevated because I was pretty sure I was about to black out (and yes, I've actually fainted enough times to know when I need to 'hit the floor' on my own accord instead of falling to the ground unconscious). It was after that incident, that I always made sure I ate breakfast. There have been a few other instances where I came close to passing out, so I've just made it a rule of thumb, to eat before I work out. 

So today I made the conscious decision to work out without eating. And yes. I was terrified. Today was my first 15 minute 'high intensity workout', followed by an hour of walking. After the first workout, I felt a bit fuzzy for a couple of minutes. So I sat down at a table and drank some of my water. About 3 minutes later I was totally fine. So I got on my treadmill and walked an hour. 

And guess what?

I.FELT.GREAT. For reals. It was strange. Normally I get SUPER ANGRY when I work out. But this time I didn't. The whole time I kept thinking to myself, 'I need to do this so my body burns fat' - and honestly. It kept me going. It didn't hurt that I had my ipod with me filled with songs I just love (not necessarily 'fast songs', but just songs I totally love).

Anyway, I didn't eat my breakfast until NOON! I wasn't hungry, but once I started eating, I realized I definitely was. But then about an hour later, I felt hungry again. It was kind of concerning to me as I'm so used to feeling full for a hours after I eat a meal. So I decided to make a smaller salad than I normally eat. By the time the salad was made, I wasn't hungry any more. HA! I guess I just needed to give myself some time to 'register' that I was, indeed, full. 

So now I am a huge believer in working out before I eat. I know my body can handle it, and I know to make sure I eat fat/protein afterwards to feel full. 

I'm super stoked right now. I know I keep preaching the awesomeness of being Primal - but that's just because it is. 

ahhhhhhhhh ... I could SO get used to this!

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