Sunday, September 18, 2011

kind of time for a weigh-in

I say 'kind of' because I think I'm moving my weigh-ins to Tuesdays. I meet with my trainer on Tues/Thurs so I know I can use the same scale and body-fat-thingy so at least I know it'll be consistent. 

But I'll be honest with you. I'm not thinking I lost anything this week. The scale at home isn't showing it, and I still feel a bit 'off' from the Korean food. Nothing bad, but I don't feel super great either. I know that the weight loss is going to slow down now, too, since usually the first week or two can have some big drops. But I'm committed to this. I really do love it. 

Things that I did this week that probably contributed to my non-weight-loss:

1) I ate a lot of dark chocolate. They say you can do it with moderation, but I had it (except for today - haha!). I'm going to try and switch it to every OTHER day.

2) I ate a lot of fruit this week too. I stopped by this local strawberry stand and they had the last of seasons strawberries out. They tasted like pure sugar and out of the 3 baskets I bought... I probably ate all 3 of them. I mean, I think the kids might have had some ... but I can't even remember, that's how many I ate. 

4) I'm going to try and cut back on the cheese. (haha - that sounds funny). Anyway, I was using my gouda quite a bit ... and I do think I'll scale back on that too. Maybe have an apple/gouda on the days I don't have dark chocolate. That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

5) Be consistent with my exercise plan.

Now, the Primal lifestyle actually discourages what they refer to as 'chronic cardio'. I read a really good description of it. It said that Chronic Cardio is anything that takes more effort than walking, but less effort than sprinting. They encourage just casual walking, and then doing actual repetitions of 'sprints' (I have yet to incorporate the sprints ... but I will soon). So I just want to make sure I'm getting in my daily walk (which is easy to NOT do when I'm working) and showing up to my training sessions. So far, it's been totally doable.

Oh, and the gym I go to is also a 'sports complex'. They have indoor soccer fields. So tonight as I was doing my walk, I was kind of watching a soccer game and kind of zoning off to my ipod. Well wouldn't you know it. I almost got hit by a soccer ball. I have no idea how they booted the thing up by me (since I was on the second story and there's a huge net that almost reaches the ceiling) but it actually bounced off my treadmill. I'm pleased to say that I didn't get hit in the face, but I had to jump off my treadmill to get the ball. I almost fell, but I don't think they could see me down below (at least I'm hoping they couldn't see me). Fortunately I only had 3 more minutes of walking and then I got the heck out of there. I'm telling you - this is why I used say that exercising was a huge safety hazzard. 

One more thing: I plan on being MUCH better about post what I eat each day. I know some of  you are curious about the Primal Lifestyle, so please, ask any questions you have - and I'll do my best to answer them! And then by seeing what I'm eating, maybe that will help too. But I'm telling you - I SO believe in this. For reals. It's totally and completely awesome. 

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