Monday, December 20, 2010


Okay, so here's the dealio on what I'm going to start posting once a week. 

A year or so ago (I can't quite remember) some friends and I had a blog for weight loss and we had weekly 'challenges' that we would partake in. It was actually pretty fun and if anything, it got you moving. But obviously it didn't make me move enough.

My family has a 'website', which is actually more like  'forum' or 'bulletin board' where we can start different topics and talk about stuff. (its a pretty cool way to stay in touch with family since we all live in different areas) One of my Aunts is a personal trainer, and if I even lived within a half hour of her, I'd be one of her clients. She is not only one of the most fittest people I know, she's super encouraging and her personality would actually work with mine as far as a trainer/trainee relationship goes (well... I'm not sure she knows how much I complain when I work out... so she may actually hate that)

Anyway, she started posting these little 'challenges' that she does and it got me thinking ... I should TOTALLY start doing the weekly challenges again since I'm actually TRYING to lose weight this time. 

Here's an example of the challenges she does:

500 Mountain Climbers
200 Side Plank Hip Lifts
7 minutes of Burpees
300 Jump Lunges

And of course she times herself and does things way super fast (some of things I don't even know how to do). Her most recent was 100 cowbell swings. 

Here's an example of what I'm thinking we could for challenges on my blog:

How many miles can you walk/run in a week
How many girl push ups can you do in a week
How many stairs can you climb in 2 minutes (you can use stairs in your house if you want)
How many jumps can you jump rope without messing up

Those are a bit more my style. So I'm thinking that each week I'll post a challenge and anyone can participate. Then when the week is done, you can post your time, number, etc. 

How does that sound? Do you think it's fun? I totally think it would be fun - and it would be SO FUN to know that I have people doing these things WITH me (how's that for a bit of pressure?!).

So now I need some ideas - do you have any? They don't have to be hard, and they can be silly. Or they can be super challenging and we'll what happens (hahaha). I'll be thinking too, and I'll post my additional ideas in the comments as well. 

I guess you could say that's the first mini-challenge... COME UP WITH SOME IDEAS!!!

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