Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Were You Up for the CHALLENGE?!

Okay - I really hope that people did the challenge this week. I haven't seen anyone make comments beforehand... so let's see how you all did!

I 'held' my bridge pose for:


(as in one minute and thirty-one seconds)

As soon as I started I thought I would immediately fail, but some I got through the first minute. There was a fleeting moment where I actually thought I could get to two minutes, but then the burning in my chest started happening and my body started breaking down. So I decided to just get to 1:30 and I barely did that. I think I got the extra second because my body was so stiff it couldn't collapse right away. 

So how about all of you? Did you do it? How long did you hold it for?! FILL ME IN!

And for next week's Challenge... I have something kinda funny in mind. But I think it'll be really hard too. 


1) go to your pantry and get two cans of something
(like 2 cans of soup or green beans or whatever you choose)

2) stand with your arms stretched out to either side
(like you're making a 'T' with your body)

3) with your palms 'up' - hold a can in each hand
(cans should be horizontal on your palm, not vertical)

4) see how long you can hold it for

In theory this could take a while ... it mostly depends on your arm strength - but here's the thing, you're 'done' when you can't keep your arms perfectly straight. Once you start to 'sag' - you're out. A traditional can of 'whatever' doesn't seem very heavy, but after a bit - it will SOOOO seem heavy. 

So there you go. Game on. 

Oh - and thanks for all the input on your sleep schedules. I'm glad to know that I'm not getting way more sleep than everyone else, but I AM bummed to think that I should start adjusting my schedule. In reality it makes more sense to start the day earlier... especially since my daughter really should be getting some type of formal education ... but giving up my precious work time ... that's hard to swallow. 

Fortunately we're not in any major rush, but I think I'm going to have to take some time to really plan out a schedule that will work for us. 

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